The final meeting of 2018 was full of “memories” of exceptional times. Ingrid (pictured) captivated us with two vivid memories related to her move to Nuremberg as a child – and received her Ice Breaker (speech #1) pin from Club President Peter. Alexandra drew us in emotionally to her adventure as a young student on her train-delayed, sleep-deprived, creepy-flat journey to Italy. And Hubert told us about the advantages – both literally and figuratively – of taking a cold shower!
Before these prepared speeches, Toastmaster Martina invited us to share what our compass is – what guides us in life? Gratitude, passion, community were some of the things mentioned.
And, of course, we got into the Christmas spirit! Memories of Lebkuchen, candles, chocolate Santas, cardboard Christmas trees and Christmas tree ornaments were the focus of the Table Topics impromptu speeches led by Wolfgang. And after the meeting we all enjoyed a delightful Christmas social, complete with party hats, Glühwein, music and food.
A wonderful evening for looking back on good times and for looking forward to new good times!